Saved Photos of Firsts from the studio

Just like children save their art projects from school. I think most artists save their own projects. Here are a few of mine that are still fun for me to see. Not all the pictures blow up well but they bring back nice memories.

Patty was my first Ebay sale and now lives out West. I always loved making dolls and hope I have more time to include them this year.

First Ebay Sale

My first attempt at unrefined curly wool roving hair. I decided that I liked it and it is now my standard…..(on most days unless something really interesting comes along with which i need to play). Clarissa now lives in Vermont with the artist that adopted her.

from First Vermont Doll Collection

Morrison, my first non-fur, bear now lives in England. I heard he did really well on the very long flight home.

First Cotton Bear with Hair

My first baby bear, Silkie lives nearby.

First Silk Teddy Bear

The first pair in the Doll Sculpture Collection, These Victorian Bridesmaids  adorn the living room of a wonderful German woman who wouldn’t let them be separated. These were always my favorite form of dolls to make. They take on emotion much more easily than other forms.

First Sculpted DOll with Dress

Amish Amy was the first to inspire me to take a more creative hand to my photography, using the sun and darkness equally, I am still drawn to the technicalities of photography. The light in this photo still draws me into it.

Country Doll





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