Things I love today…
- The fact that this template allows me to add awesome fonts that I find on the web. I love how my blog looks today. I love that I can change it tomorrow.
- I love U Tube. I can watch a documentary on John Galiano, Isaac or listen to Michael McDonald or even watch Lucia Micarelli play Kasmir. It makes the studio come alive with inspiration.
- I am deeply, deeply in love with linen and have only begun my relationship with its awesomeness.
- I am in love with my new Canon. I finally understand it and know how to use it. I love how it feels in my hands.
- I love that I have pulled out all the exquisite fabrics that I have collected and have them close by here in the studio. They inspire me. I may dare to use them soon.
- Oh, and I love Organic French Roast and Italian Roast Coffees.
- I love the linen Hippie Apron that I made, it inspires me forward.
- I love the winter, it means I don’t have to mow the lawn.
What do you love today?