Did you ever read The Most Boring Blog in the world?…It was hilarious. I feel like that. I have nothing worthwhile to say. Noteworthy today….I bought Organic Ketchup. It tastes tangier. I don’t like tangy. I paid three time as much to have the one element I hate multiplied. I also bought t-bone steaks. I am vegan until t-bone steaks are on clearance. Don’t tell the Vegan Patrol. They may arrest me.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Learning New Skills
If you have a business and no money to pay a big staff to tend to all your needs, you end up learning skills on utube or picking the brains of others who have stumbled along the path ahead of you. I have two crashed computers. I lost all kinds of information in them. But I was told to hang on and that I could try to retrieve it later. That moment finally arrived.
I was shown how to remove the hard drive.
Here is my external case. Don’t ask me to explain its magic…. I just followed directions.
Simply removing the hard drive, install it into the external case, plug into a working computer and voila! all the files are yours for the taking, removing, etc.
I found so much lost stuff!. This was one skill I was so proud of learning!
I suck
Really, I suck at blogs. And I shouldn’t. They are worthwhile and fun.
I ordered supplies on Amazon. Doll stuff arrives and I get to play in my happy place. I also have my cutting table covered with Spring fabric for Apron Co. I am happy, supplies make me happy. I get to go forward into parts unknown and sew, paint ad design. Happy me.
Couture Weekend
As we grow, we morph to what surrounds us. We can stay true to ourselves but who that self is, like it or not becomes altered in ways we didn’t expect. Sometimes we become what we don’t recognize; amazing, good or surprisingly bad.
I remember being young and craving to sew (who craves to sew?….:)…me.) I remember having no money for fabric. On the other hand, I remember having fabric and no time, or no peace.
I know now that the pieces of you that lay passionately inside you exist decades later, you just have to be still and listen…. or play Led Zeppelin 4 to bring them out.I live in a peaceful place now. I have fabric and a studio that nurtures me. I can hear what I want to say and maybe the courage to say it.
This weekend I have declared Couture weekend. I have fabric that called out to me so I purchased it and brought it home. I have peace. I have stillness and can hear the bits of me that so long ago ached to express themselves.
I have my favorite music, when I was young, Led Zeppelin 4, available for free on UTube, gorgeous fabrics and a quieted soul waiting to seep from my fingers.
Couture weekend awaits.
Things I love today…
- The fact that this template allows me to add awesome fonts that I find on the web. I love how my blog looks today. I love that I can change it tomorrow.
- I love U Tube. I can watch a documentary on John Galiano, Isaac or listen to Michael McDonald or even watch Lucia Micarelli play Kasmir. It makes the studio come alive with inspiration.
- I am deeply, deeply in love with linen and have only begun my relationship with its awesomeness.
- I am in love with my new Canon. I finally understand it and know how to use it. I love how it feels in my hands.
- I love that I have pulled out all the exquisite fabrics that I have collected and have them close by here in the studio. They inspire me. I may dare to use them soon.
- Oh, and I love Organic French Roast and Italian Roast Coffees.
- I love the linen Hippie Apron that I made, it inspires me forward.
- I love the winter, it means I don’t have to mow the lawn.
What do you love today?
MOMA Fashion Archives
I am forever thankful for the internet. My brain misses the fantastic clothing that is held in museum vaults. I cannot always drive to New York to see what I want to see. MOMA has nicely photographed and uploaded pictures just for me (not really)..so that I miss them less.
Here is the link if you would also like to devour real style, innovation and just the awesomeness of amazing designers. Of course if you can visit MOMA, please do so.
Wedding Aprons
More Saved Photos of Firsts from the studio
My first Vermont Apron Company Apron, the beginning of a very fun collection.
The Beginning of the Hat collection; the first hat, at the first show on the first Styrofoam head.
The first hat that I ever made where I blended both knitting and crocheting.
The First Carpet Bag I ever made. It was made from an antique tapestry that I purchased at a flea market.
The First Carpet Bag created for sale and photographed for online web sales.